11 Essential Gardening Tools for Your Shed 

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Whether you are starting a garden at home or joining a community garden, you have to have the right equipment to do some harvesting. There are a number of tasks that you have to do, such as digging, cutting, planting and trimming, and more, and you can do them flawlessly when you have the gardening tools required to perform them. This doesn’t mean that you have to sink a massive amount of money into gardening tools, but you need the essentials to make it easier to care for your outdoor space. Check out some of the gardening tools to add your shed:


Have you tried to pull nettles or cut back some thorny shrubs with your bare hands? Anyone who has done this can attest to the need to wear gloves while gardening. Even if you are not handling any harmful items, you should remember that even plants that appear harmless could irritate your hands, or leave them sore, if they are left unprotected. In addition, your bare hands could also be damaged due to pressure and friction because of the prolonged use of hand tools. Thus, the first essential is a pair of sturdy garden gloves that can protect your hands from the prickliest of plants, making gardening safe and enjoyable.

Watering Hose

All plants need water, and even though there are several options you can explore, a watering hose is what you require the most. Depending on the size of your garden and the number of plants, using watering can just be impractical, and it is not wise to rely on rainfall all the time. Choose a hose length that can reach all corners of your garden with ease, including flower beds and vegetable gardens. It is also a good idea to get a hose nozzle or a watering wand if you are looking to customize the pattern of the water spray.

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Spade or Shovel

A spade or shovel is an equally good gardening tool, but if you have to choose one, you should go with the former. A spade has a clean and sharp edge that you can use to cut through the roots, lift sod, or edge. However, some people prefer to use a shovel to dig holes or scoop soil. Regardless of which one you choose, just make sure it has an ergonomic design, is comfortable, has a sharp handle, and has a strong cutting edge that can get the job done.  

EsGardening Tools for Your Shed 

Garden Hoe

You will need a garden hoe if you want to remove unwanted roots, weed the entire garden, move soil around, or dig trenches. A good garden hoe will be able to get through all the difficult obstacles, including tough soil, fairly easily. You have to have a hoe by your side, whether you are digging, planting, cultivating, weeding, or chopping your flower bed or garden.

Soil Knife

Even though not every gardener will have a soil knife in their shed, it is very versatile. How? It comes in handy for planting vegetables, flowers, herbs, and bulbs cutting through roots, dividing plants, opening bags, cutting ties and twine, removing rocks, digging out weeds, and plenty more. This tool is Japanese in origin, boasting a serrated blade that is sharp on both sides.

gardening tools

Pruning Shears

Another gardening essential to have is pruning shears because they will be needed when you have to prune shrubs, fruit trees, vegetables, or roses, for that matter. You can get hand pruners for reigning in plants that are taking over, anvil-style pruners for dead wood, and bypass pruners for cutting live wood and delivering clean and smooth cuts. Make sure you get a comfortable pair of shears and keep the blades sharp.

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Garden Scissors

A lot of people end up overlooking the importance of scissors, but these are versatile pieces of accessories that you can use for performing several garden chores. You can use the garden scissors for opening seed packets, doing delicate pruning jobs, or even digging a bit if you don’t have anything else handy. A gardener can improvise with gardening scissors and use them for numerous tasks.


You have to have a sturdy rake to clean up fallen leaves, grass clippings, and trimmings, and you can find them in a variety of sizes and styles. A rake can also be used for leveling out seedling beds and breaking up soil. If a large one doesn’t fit, you can reach into the tight spaces with a shrub rake. A garden or landscape rake has metal tines that are great for leveling soil or mulch. You will also have straight-headed and leaf rakes to choose from and can just whisk away all the debris.

Essential Gardening Tools for Your Shed 


Maintaining a garden means dealing with a lot of waste because you may have to dig out new areas from time to time or deal with a weed infestation. Even if you want all that waste to be your compost heap, it has to get there first, and this is where you need a wheelbarrow. It can reduce the trips you have to make to and from the compost heap. Invest in a good quality wheelbarrow, and you can save a lot of valuable time.

Hand Fork

It might be small, but a hand fork is also an essential gardening tool because you can use it to break up the lumpy, hard garden soil into the crumbly compost that can help young plants grow their roots.

Hand Trowel

This is an indispensable gardening tool, especially when you are planting seedlings. You can use it to dig up some tough seeds or dig out chunks of soil for planting the seeds. You can choose a narrow blade for rocky soil or digging up weeds or a broad one for moving soil. Get one that’s forged from stainless steel because they are more durable.

Add these essential gardening tools to your shed, and you will be able to accomplish all the tasks that you need to perform for setting up and maintaining your garden. 

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