How To Take Care Of A Ferret (A Beginners Guide)

Ferrets are very intelligent and friendly animals that make great pets. In this article, we’re going to tell you exactly how to take care of a ferret. We’ll tell you how to house your ferret properly, about the diet you should feed your furry friend, and some things to consider when you take your ferret to see the vet. But before we get into all that, let’s learn a bit more about ferrets.

All About Ferrets 

Ferrets have a lifespan of about 5 to 7 years, but if you care for your pet properly, it could live for even 12 years! Ferrets are highly social animals, so if you’re considering adopting one as a pet, you might want to get a pair. Getting a pair of ferrets ensures that they don’t get lonely. They always have someone to talk to and play with. You’ll also find that giving your ferret some friendly company will have a big positive effect on its health.

How To Take Care Of A Ferret at home

Ferrets Enjoy Sleeping

Another interesting thing about ferrets is that they like to sleep a lot. They sleep up to 20 hours every day, but for the brief time that they’re awake, they’re active. Ferrets love to play, jumping enthusiastically. Jump around with your ferret, and you can both have some great fun while also getting some healthy exercise!

They Love to Burrow

In the wild, ferrets live in burrows underground. So, it’s no surprise that they like crawling through small spaces. They are eager to rush down and explore anything from pipes to pant legs. You can put some plastic pipes in their cage so they can have some fun crawling around.

Ferrets Are Playful Pets

Ferrets are very playful. Unfortunately, gently nipping unwary people is one-way ferrets like to demonstrate their playful nature. So, you should train your ferret not to nip you or anyone else. The playful nips are one reason why Ferrets aren’t the best pets for children. Another reason why Ferrets and children don’t go well together is that ferrets are very fragile. They can easily be hurt if they’re dropped or picked up incorrectly.

pet ferrets

Are Ferrets Good Pets to Have?

Ferrets are actually excellent pets, but they’re not the right pet for everybody. If you have small children, they can easily hurt your ferret if they mishandle it. It’s also important to take into account that ferrets like to burrow and jump around. So, don’t be surprised if you come home one day to find your couch in shambles because your furry friend decided that was the perfect place for a nap.


Ideally, they should be kept in a large secure ferret cage, and not let loose unsupervised.

Now that we know a little bit about ferrets, let’s get started on learning how to take care of a ferret. First, let’s look at providing a proper home for your cute little pet.

How To Take Care Of A Ferret

Making A Home For Your Ferret

Ferrets like to have lots of room to move around, so their cage should be as large as you can manage. You should try to have a cage that is at least 18 by 18 by 30 inches. Ferrets like to climb up and down, so the cage should have multiple levels. Wire cages are a good option for ferrets. Just make sure that there aren’t any small spaces in the cage, as ferrets are very good at squeezing through small openings. Also, make sure the cage has a latch to keep your ferrets safely locked inside.


Ferrets will also love toys, so try to give them as many as you can. Balls and cloth toys are great for the ferrets to practice their hunting skills on. Also, put some plastic pipes or something similar that the ferrets can crawl through and pretend they’re in a burrow.


You should take your ferret out of the cage sometimes, but make sure that you’re there to watch over your pet. Electrical wires can pose a hazard to ferrets as they sometimes like to chew them. So, make sure there aren’t any visible wires where you set your ferret loose. And if there are any small gaps in your windows or walls, try to close them to prevent your ferret from escaping outside.


Another important thing to note about ferrets is that they don’t like it when it gets too hot. If the temperature goes above 27C, you should check on your ferret to make sure it’s ok. These animals prefer cool and shady environments, so try to avoid taking them into direct sunlight.


If you keep these things in mind, you should be able to provide a comfortable home for your ferret. Next, let’s take a look at how you should feed your furry friend.

How To Take Care Of A Ferret for beginners

Feeding Your Ferret

Ferrets are carnivorous animals. This means that they require meat in their diet. A good diet for a ferret should have lots of fat, which will provide the bulk of the calories for the animal. The diet should also have meat-based protein in it. Also, ferrets can’t digest any kind of fiber, so you should avoid giving them that in their food.


The best food to give ferrets is what they eat in the wild – small prey animals like rats and mice. But getting your hands on rats and mice might be a bit of a challenge. Instead, you can get a diet designed especially for ferrets. Another option is to feed your ferret good quality food for kittens.


You can supplement your pet’s diet with occasional treats as well. Chicken meat or turkey meat is a good option. Even though ferrets enjoy fruits and other sweet foods, you shouldn’t give these to them because they can be bad for your ferret’s health.


And try to make sure that your ferret always has a supply of water to drink. You can also change the water from time to time to make sure that it’s always fresh for your pet.

taking your ferret to the vets

Taking Your Ferret To The Vet

You should take your ferret to the vet every year until it’s 5 years old and fully mature. After that, you should increase the frequency of your visits to once every 6 months. These regular check-ups will reveal any health problems with your pet.


You can also ask your vet to vaccinate your ferret for distemper and rabies, just to be safe. Fleas are another problem that ferrets might have. Fortunately, you can use a monthly preventative to stay ahead of the flea problem without too much trouble. 


If you get your ferret when it’s still young, you should consider getting it neutered once it becomes an adult. In males, neutering means that their musky smell won’t be as strong. In the case of females, however, it’s more a matter of life or death. If a female is unable to mate when she is in heat, she could suffer from some serious medical problems. So, getting your ferret neutered is probably the safest option. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it Legal to Own a Ferret?

Yes, it is legal to own ferrets in most parts of the world. But there are some places where you can’t keep them as pets because they’re considered wild animals. Also, you might need a license if your state or country has strict laws regarding exotic animals. For example, New York City recently banned anyone owning a ferret. Please check with your local authority before purchasing a ferret.

Can I Keep my Ferret in the House?

Ferrets can live in and outside of the house, but it’s probably best if you give them a place to stay inside. If they get outside, your ferrets might dig up your yard or cause any number of other problems. So, just give them a place to stay where they’re comfortable and happy.

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